• Drink Better Coffee. Drink SPACE Coffee.

"SPACE Coffee has really changed the way I used to think about Specialty Coffee"

- Arnav

Chapter: Earth

This is Space Coffee. An experiential coffee brand with one mission, make everyone fall in love with brewing and enjoying Indian Specialty Coffee. As easily, as possible.

Folks just love our coffee!

  • Folks just love our coffee!

  • Space Coffee



  • Space Coffee


    travel & lifestyle influencer

  • Space Coffee



  • Space Coffee


    lifestyle influencer

  • Space Coffee


    entrepreneur & growth hacker

  • Space Coffee


    travel & lifestyle blogger

It's time to elevate your coffee experience.

Stop having stale instant coffee. Give your coffee routine a much needed boost with 100% Indian Specialty Coffee, without the hassle of a long brewing process.

  • Space Coffee

    Ethically Sourced

    Fresh beans from the best specialty coffee farms in India.

  • Space Coffee

    Freshly Ground

    Always ground freshly. We make sure all our customers get the coffee as fresh as possible.

  • Space Coffee

    Ready In minutes

    All our products are made in a way that you are only a few minutes away from the perfect cup of coffee.